Kazem Chalipa
(b. 1957, Tehran, Iran)
Kazem Chalipa is a renowned Iranian artist. He started his art education at the School of Fine Arts in Tehran. He received his MFA in Painting from the University of Tehran, Faculty of Fine Arts, and completed his Ph.D. in Art Research at Shahed University of Arts. His father, the late Hasan Ismail Zadeh (Chalipa), was among the last Coffee House Painting movement artists. Chalipa has participated in international exhibitions and received awards such as the Golden Brush Awards in Japan; he has been a university lecturer and participated in numerous art events as a jury member. He is a faculty member of the Shahed University of Arts and the supervisor of academic theses. “The Sky of Chalipa” and “The Color of Imagination” are two documentary films based on the artist's life and works.
A House with Two Windows and a Door
On the seashore is a girl,
and the girl has a family,
and the family has a house.
And the house has two windows and a door,
And in the sea is a warship having fun,
catching promenaders on the seashore:
Four, five, seven,
fall down on the sand.
Her voice carries her higher and
further than the seashore.
She screams at night over the land,
The echo has no echo
so she becomes the endless scream
in the breaking news
which was no longer breaking news
when the aircraft returned to bomb
a house with two windows and a door.
Una casa con due finestre e una porta
In riva al mare c’è una ragazza,
e la ragazza ha una famiglia,
e la famiglia ha una casa.
E la casa ha due finestre e una porta,
E nel mare c’è una nave da guerra che si diverte,
catturando i passeggiatori in riva al mare:
Quattro, cinque, sette
Cadono sulla sabbia...
E lei urla nella notte selvaggia,
Nessuna eco eco
Diventa il grido eterno delle notizie urgenti.
Non è più una notizia dell’ultima ora
Gli aerei tornarono per bombardare
una casa con due finestre e una porta!
خانهای که یک در دارد
و دو پنجره
روی ساحل دخترکی است
و برای دخترک، خانوادهای
و برای خانواده، خانهای
و خانه دو پنجره دارد و یک در ...
روی دریا ناوچهای است
سرگرم شکار رهگذرانی
که بر ساحل قدم میزنند:
چهار، پنج، هفت
بر ساحل فرو میغلتند...
جیغِ دخترک از ساحل فراتر میرود
فراتر از شبی کویری،
اما پژواکی وجود ندارد
دخترک فریادی ابدی میشود
در اخبارِ فوری
که اکنون دیگر فوری نیست،
زیرا هواپیماها بازگشتهاند
تا بمباران کنند
خانهای که یک در دارد و دو پنجره!
بیت و للبیت
نافذتان و باب
على شاطئ البحر بنتٌ
وللبنت أَهلٌ
وللأهل بيتٌ
وللبيت نافذتان و بابْ...
وفي البحر بارجَةٌ تتسَلَّى
بصَيْدِ المُشَاة على شاطئ البحر:
أَربعَةٌ، خَمْسَةٌ، سَبْعَةٌ
يسقطون على الرمل...
فتصرخ في ليل بَرّي،
لا صدى للصدى
فتصير هي الصرخةَالأبديَّـةَ في خَبَرٍ عاجلٍ،
لم يعد خبراً عاجلاً
عادت الطائرات لتقصف بيتاً بنافذتين و بابْ!