The Islamic Republic of Iran Pavilion
at the 60th Venice Art Biennale

some events are felt and understood but cannot be expressed, and it is the artist’s job to represent them.
Borderless Art
The Islamic Republic of Iran Statement
at the 60th Venice Art Biennale

/ Mohammad Khorasanizadeh
Commissioner of the Iran Pavilion
at 60th Venice Art Biennale
In a land created for peace

/ Amir Abdolhoseini
Art Director, Researcher, and Instructor
Senior Curator of Iran Pavilion
at the 60th Venice Art Biennale

/ Shoaib Hoseini Moghaddam

/ Jafar Vahedi
Planning & Financial Affairs
5 poems by Mahmoud Darvish were chosen as the inspiration theme for the artworks in the exhibition, from which the titles of the paintings were chosen.
01 /
And they searched his chest, But could only find his heart, And they searched his heart, But could only find his people, And they searched his voice, But could only find his grief, And they searched his grief, But could only find his prison, And they searched his prison, But could only see themselves in chains, And the evening is just another evening, And the singer croons…
But Could Only Find His Heart
02 /
On the seashore is a girl, and the girl has a family, and the family has a house. And the house has two windows and a door, And in the sea is a warship having fun, catching promenaders on the seashore: Four, five, seven, fall down on the sand. Her voice carries her higher and further than the seashore. ...
A House with Two Windows and a Door
03 /
Excellent brothers, they love us, they watch us, they weep. Then in secret they tell each other: “Ah! If this siege had been declared…” they do not finish their sentence: “Don’t abandon us, don’t leave.”
Where the Looks End
04 /
We are mourning for the son, in the presence of his father: May God bless your martyred child, And shortly after, congratulate him on the birth of another baby.
May God Bless Your Martyred Child
05 /
And if they ask you about Gaza …. Tell them: In it there is a martyr carried by a martyr and photographed by a martyr sent off by a martyr and prayed for by a martyr.