Mostafa Goudarzi
(b. 1960, Borujerd, Iran)
Mostafa Goudarzi is an Iranian artist and art researcher. After receiving his BFA in Painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts at Tehran University, he went to France and received his MFA in visual arts from Rennes University in France. Then, he simultaneously attended and completed two Ph.D. courses: Visual Arts at the University of Rennes and Art History at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. After returning to Iran, he became a member of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Tehran University.He is now Professor of the Higher Education Department. In addition to painting, he has been active in graphic design, making documentary films, research, translating and compiling books. He has an active presence in various art-science and cultural institutions, among which the following can be mentioned: the dean of the Visual Arts Department in the Faculty of Fine Arts at Tehran University; the head of the Visual Arts Department of the Iranian Academy of Art; Art advisor to the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art; designer and consultant in several national and international exhibitions; jury member of competitions and art events; art director of specialized conferences as well as national and international art fairs; editor of several specialized art publications, etc. Compiling books, translating, and doing research, are among his other activities. His articles have been published in many domestic and international magazines. Goudarzi has participated in many solo and group exhibitions and competitions in Iran and internationally and has won many awards, including an Honorary Diploma from the Moscow International Biennale of Graphic Design.


In It There is a Martyr Carried by a Martyr
And if they ask you about Gaza ….
Tell them: In it there is a martyr
carried by a martyr
and photographed by a martyr
sent off by a martyr
and prayed for by a martyr.
C'è un martire portato da un martire
E se ti chiedono di Gaza….
Di’ loro: in esso c’è un martire
portato da un martire
e fotografato da un martire
mandato via da un martire
e pregato da un martire.”
شهیدی است که شهیدی آن را حمل کند
اگر از تو درباره غزه پرسیدند ...
بگو به آنها:
در آنجا شهیدی است،
که شهیدی آن را حمل میکند،
و شهیدی از وی عکس میگیرد،
و شهیدی او را بدرقه میکند،
و شهیدی بر وی نماز میخواند.
شهید یسعفه شهید
إن سألوك عن غزة
قل لهم:
بها شهيد،
يسعفه شهيد،
و يصوره شهيد،
و يودعه شهيد،
و يصلي عليه شهيد.