Gholam Ali Taheri
(b. 1956, Tehran, Iran)
Gholam Ali Taheri is an Iranian prominent artist. He has an MFA in Painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran. He is the co-founder of Shahed University. In the art, cultural, and scientific arena, Taheri has had influential positions as the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art President, the Deputy Dean of Shahed University, jury member in art competitions, co-founder of the Iranian Scientific Association of Visual Arts, etc. Taheri has been active in the art scene by presenting specialized lectures and participating in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Iran and Internationally. He has won many awards, including the selected artist of the Fine Art Original and participation in the 53rd Venice Biennial.


Where the Looks End
We have brothers behind this expanse.
Excellent brothers, they love us, they watch us, they weep.
Then in secret they tell each other:
“Ah! If this siege had been
they do not finish their sentence:
“Don’t abandon us, don’t leave.”
Dove finiscono gli sguardi
Abbiamo dei fratelli dietro questa distesa.
Ottimi fratelli, ci amano, ci guardano, piangono.
Poi di nascosto si dicono:
“Ah! Se questo assedio fosse stato dichiarato…”
non finiscono la frase:
“Non abbandonarci, non andartene”.
آنجا که نگاه پایان میگیرد
برادرانی داریم
دوستمان میدارند
تماشایمان میکنند
و در خلوت خود میگویند:
«ای کاش این محاصره اینجا...»
کلام در گلو میماند
و پایان نمیگیرد.
«رهایمان نکنید
تنهایمان نگذارید.»
هناک، عندما
تنتهي التظرات
لنا أخوة خلف هذا المدى
أخوة طيبون، يحبوننا،
ينظرون إلينا و يبكون،
ثم يقولون في سرهم:
« ليت هذا الحصار هنا علنيّ ...»
ولا يكملون العبارة:
« لا تتركونا وحيدين... لا تتركونا» …