Abdolhamid Ghadirian
(b. 1960, Tehran, Iran)
Abdolhamid Ghadirian is a renowned Iranian artist. He has a BFA in Painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Tehran University and an MFA in Painting from the Art University of Tehran. Besides painting, Ghadirian has presented numerous sculptures, stage and costume designs, and documentary productions. Ghadirian has designed sets and costumes for many movies and television series, for which he received a Crystal Simorgh in the International Fajr Festival for the Saint Mary series. The House of Cinema awarded him for costume and scene design for The Kingdom of Solomon. Among his activities are the art direction of the construction of the Museum of Tehran and the art direction of the closing ceremony of the 20th International Fajr Film Festival. He has also been a jury member of the International Fajr Film Festivals and executive director of the first Women's Olympics opening ceremony. Ghadirian has compiled many books and published numerous articles, holding solo and group exhibitions in Iran and internationally.


May God Bless Your Martyred Child
in the presence of his father:
May God bless your martyred child,
And shortly after,
congratulate him on the birth of
another baby.
Dio benedica il tuo figlio martire
Siamo in lutto per il figlio,
alla presenza del padre:
Dio benedica il tuo figlio martire,
E poco dopo,
congratulati con lui per la nascita di un altro bambino.
سلام خداوند
بر فرزند شهیدت
در محضر پدر،
به سوگ پسر نشستهایم؛
«سلام خداوند بر فرزند شهیدت»
اندکی دیگر
میلاد یکی کودک را
شادباش میگوییم.
كرّم الله وجه الشهيد
نعزي أبا بابنه:
«كرّم الله وجه الشهيد»
و بعد قليل،
بوليد جديد.